Energy Efficient Schools

Our children deserve it!

About project

Project title:
Energy Efficient Schools-Our children deserve it

Lead Partner(name/country)

Technological vocational high school "Marie Curie"-Pernik

Other partner/s

University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Niš

Priority axis

2: Enhancing capacity for joint planning, problem solving and development

Area of intervention

2.2: sustainable development through efficient utilization of regional resources

Duration (in months)


Total budget (in €)


Project Objectives

Overall project objective:

encouraging sustainable development and improving local well-being by creating pre-requisites for enhancing schools energy efficiency

Project objectives:

To explain the meaning and the core concepts of energy efficiency;

To raise awareness on environmental, energetic and economic benefits of implementation of energy efficiency measures in schools

To clarify the relations with energy consumption, protection of the environment and sustainable development;

To transfer knowledge on energy efficiency projects identification and evaluation to decision makers and provide them with free web based, innovative, intelligible and user-friendly software tool to facilitate this

To clarify the measures for improving energy efficiency in schools;

Project Activities

1. Project Management
The project team will have a Project Manager, two coordinators (BG&RS), two accountants (BG&RS) and one Project assistant (RS). Four meetings of the joint team will be held during the project – 1st one to bring up-to-date the Activity schedule and assign concrete tasks, and three interim ones at the beginning of each trimester to plan, coordinate and monitor the project progress. Both coordinators are responsible for the day-to-day coordination of the respective activities in their country, organization and facilitation of all project events preparation of progress reports and will report directly to the Project Manager. The team will ensure regular communication between partners as well as with JTS .

2. Tender procedures under PRAG,
All project expenses will be spent following strictly the Programme regulations. For this reason, a number of tender procedures will take place under the Practical Guide (PRAG) as stipulated within Regulation 718/2007. The applicable tender dossiers will be developed by external expertise thus ensuring its compliance with the PRAG provisions and smooth tendering, award of the contract, best results and reporting. Similar expenses will be grouped within the respective service or supply procedures. Detailed Terms of Reference and/or technical specifications will be developed according to the expected project outputs and indicator.

3. Conducting survey among pupils
This activity will be awarded to external organization(s) to inquire pupils in order to get insight into their awareness level related to topics like energy efficiency, environmental protection, sustainable development etc. The participants in the survey will be involved in the forthcoming project workshops related to energy efficiency, environmental protection and sustainable development. The results of the survey will be announced during the workshops and closing project conference as well as published on the project website in Bulgarian, Serbian and English.

4. Energy consumption data analysis
This activity will be awarded to external organization(s) in order to collect and analyze data on energy consumption in all schools in Nis region with a purpose of getting insight in energy consumption and greenhouse gasses emissions level.

5. Development of software for benefits evaluation
This activity will be awarded to external organization(s) in order to collect and analyze data on energy consumption in all schools in Niš and Pernik with a purpose of getting insight in energy consumption and greenhouse gasses emissions level.
This activity will be supervised by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Niš though both partners will contribute to the process of development by providing expertise and input information for their city.

6. Development, activation and administration of common web site for energy efficiency in the schools The website will be hosted on the domain of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Niš, University of Niš. All project materials and products will be published there in Serbian, Bulgarian and resumes in English. After the project the Faculty will continue its administration, support and updating. The information will be available to the general public. All EU visibility requirements will be strictly met.

7. Elaboration of brochure for pupils on importance of energy efficiency in general and in schools Purpose of this brochure is to raise awareness related to energy efficiency and environmental protection of pupils and their teachers.

8. Elaboration of brochure on energetic, environmental and economic benefits of energy efficiency measures in schools and project identification
The purpose of this brochure is transfer of knowledge to decision makers (local authorities and directors of schools) on mentioned topics.

9. Workshop on Importance of energy efficiency and environmental protection in schools Purpose of this activity is to raise awareness related to energy efficiency and environmental protection of pupils and their teachers. The topic of this workshop will be adjusted to answers given in survey among pupils. Participants of this workshop will be pupils involved in survey.

10. Workshop on Identification of energy efficiency projects in schools During this workshop, participants (decision makers) will be informed on results of energy consumption analysis, and will be trained to use the developed software for benefits evaluation.

11. Information and publicity activities The measures for ensuring publicity and visibility shall be done in accordance with the effective Community provisions and shall meet the requirements corresponding thereto. They will be carried out by both partners pursuant to the division of the tasks in time and place. All materials will be produced in Bulgaria and Serbia and will be distributed to project participants in all project events in both countries. Two conferences will be held - one opening - at the inauguration of the implementation and one closing. At the same time all printed and published materials will bear the insignia concerning the visibility requirements as well as the specially developed project logo with energy efficiency implication and project posters in Bulgarian and Serbian .

Project Results

Software for benefits evaluation Brochure for pupils on importance of energy efficiency in general and in schools Brochure on energetic, environmental and economic benefits of energy efficiency measures in schools and project identification Manual for software for benefits evaluation

Target Groups

Users of school objects: pupils Users of school objects: teachers and other stuff Decision makers: directors of schools Decision makers: representatives of local authorities (energy, environment and education)


The third project’s meeting

Date: 9 - 10 Oktobar 2014
Location: Nis, Serbia
Theme: The third project’s meeting

Second Project Management Meeting

Date: 4 June 2014
Location: Pernik, Bulgaria
Theme: Second meeting of both Projects teams

Opening press conference in Pernik

Date: 15 April 2014
Location: Pernik, Bulgaria
Theme: Opening press conference in Pernik